Making a lil more profit from Elona Ranch
Hi, ive just recently been making a little extra money on my runs killing minotaurs in Elona Ranch.. This is not a great amount more but its something and id like to share with you nice people that have helped me out alot with your builds etc
Minotaur horns 5 of them can get your Elementalist Gloves from the collector outside Augury Rock West portal. Collector name is Fenster the Golden
You must be a elementalist to get the gloves
Salvage the gloves with Expert or Superior Salvage kits to get either 5-6linen or 25-27 Cloth... This has been done before and posted but i think its great way of getting a little more out of your farming... linen can be sold for 40g each and cloth can be sold for 60 per 10
Have fun with your horns good farming